Who wants a 3 Day Sneak Peek?!

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I attended a FABULOUS Beachbody event two weeks ago. Four times a year, thousands of Coaches host a meeting on the same Saturday with the same mission.  During these events,  coaches, potential coaches, and guests get key training tips and learn best business practices.  In addition, we hear about new products and upcoming promotions.  To sum it up, you find out anything and everything that can drive your business forward.  One of the best parts is you get to connect with other Coaches face to face.  We celebrate success, bond with teammates that you otherwise may only associate with via social media, and feed off a collective live energy.

I was lucky enough to attend the January 2015 Pittsburgh Super Saturday Event. It was actually held on Friday due to some corporate representation.  Carl Daikeler, Beachbody CEO, as well as 21 Day Fix trainer, Autumn Calabrese attended and spoke at the event as well! With the new 21 Day Fix Extreme coming out on February 2, 2015, all attendees got a chance to hear Autumn speak about her new program, as well as get a sneak peek of an EXTREME workout!  It was definitely a surreal experience. The energy in the room was incredible!  It is truly amazing to hear the direction that Beachbody is taking from the CEO himself. Some up and coming new products and features that will be happening within the  next few months are amazing!

After the Beachbody event, we spent the rest of the weekend celebrating the fact that the Dram Team was officially ranked the #1 team in the company  for 2014!! How exciting is that?! The benefits of being on this team?  Top notch trainings, access to all sorts of valuable information that move your business forward, access to tips and recommendations from some of the top coaches in the company, and of course, AMAZING team support!

So, I'd like to ask....does this sound like anything you'd be interested in?  I know what you're thinking. I bet I was thinking the same thing.  How can I coach others when I am not in shape myself?  What if I'm not at my goal weight?  I don't know the ins an out of social media! I don't know enough people to make this business work.  I don't want to be a salesperson.  And most common: I DON'T HAVE TIME!!

Does any of this sound familiar?  Believe me, I get it!  I, and most other new coaches have felt the same way! We naturally have that fear of failure.  So, I have decided to help you push those fears aside and get your questions answered!  

I am running a 3 DAY SNEAK PEEK group in to what Beachbody Coaching is all about.  It will be an informal, no strings attached group where I will post information about Coaching and how I have made it work for me!  You will hear the process of what exactly Coaches do, success stories, logistics like how you make money, how you share vs sell and have plenty of opportunities to get all of your questions answered.  Let's face it, Beachbody Coaching isn't for everyone.  So, why not learn for yourself in a commitment-free group? I can promise you that you are in good hands in joining the #1 team in the company (should you decide to join), or at least learning about the opportunities available to you.
Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coaching

This group will run through a closed Facebook group so only the members of the group can see what is being posted. It will run from Wednesday January 28 - Friday, January 30.  If you'd like to join you have 3 choices:
1. Send me a Facebook Friend Request and shoot me a message asking to join!  
2. You can fill out and submit the application below.
3. You can email me at lisamariedecker@yahoo.com

I have to say, when I decided to become an actively working coach, I was very nervous.  I had those fears and doubts just like everyone else.  I was concerned that people would look at me and run the other way because I sell health and fitness products but guess what?  They didn't!  And you know what else?  I wasn't, and am not "that girl" who was/is trying to sell sell sell!   What I AM doing is sharing how I am living a happy, healthy life and how I am incorporating that into my family.  It's my experiences, my trials and errors, my research, and my thoughts!  No, I'm not at expert! I am someone who has a goal to pay it forward and help others gain their confidence and good  health back. 

So, if you have that gut feeling that maybe this is something you'd like to try,  then why not at least learn about it?!  The worst that can happen is you find out that it's not a good fit for you. And that's OK! At least you were willing to step out of your comfort zone and hear more about it.  Whether you are interested in helping others, making a supplemental income, or even turning this in to a full time career, it's good to get those questions out of the way. 

So, what do you say?  Are you in??!!! 

"The challenges are the best part of life. If you're not doing something scary, it probably isn't worth doing. Life should be about pushing yourself and moving into new territory." - Tony Horton, The Big Picture: 11 Laws that will Change your Life

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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